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The Power of Technology


ReliaTrax is designed to comply with HIPAA guidelines to insure client confidentially.


  • Encrypted transmission of client sensitive information.

  • System users have access only to information allowed by their role (receptionist, counselor, administrator, superuser, guest)

  • Client data is stored in a password protected database.


ReliaTrax stores client information in a database that is backed up daily and the backup data is stored in an offsite repository.

Organizations & Offices

Clients are assigned to an organization (i.e. referral source) and office where they'll complete treatment. Users can be given limited access to only a single office or be given access to all offices.

Client Monitoring

Depending on the treatment, clients may be required to call in each day. The call is made to the automated ReliaTrax Answering Machine (RTAM) that announces to the caller what testing is being conducted that day and what testing hours are available for testing. Clients are required to enter their Client ID via the telephone touch pad and this information is recorded in the ReliaTrax ™ database. Client call in information is available to authorized system users.


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System Concepts

ReliaTrax organizes your company by offices. Clients within each office are assigned treatments. Treatments are organized in groups such as Drugs and Alcohol (DA), Anger Management (AM), Domestic Violence (DV) etc. Treatments consist of one or more sessions. Sessions are private counseling, group counseling or monitored sobriety (UA/BA) sessions.


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Treatments are the operations that an office performs. Each treatment has a number of attributes such as length, frequency, number of treatments and cost. A typical treatment might be a Drug and Alcohol counseling which occurs once per week for 21 weeks and each session lasts for 2 hours and the cost for each session is $50.

Image by Christina @
ReliaTrax uses Compliance Helper to maintain HIPAA compliance.
Below is the real time status of ReliaTrax HIPAA compliance.
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